Friday, December 28, 2012


      Rat breeds are important to consider while looking for a rat. There are rats that have curly fur, Hairless rats, little rats, rats with big ears, rats, rats, rats! I have listed below some of the many types and given information on how you might recognize them, from their fur to their attitudes!

Hairless rats
The name explains how to recognize these fellows. they are very sweet and are great for a rat that you want to cuddle all day! Although their fur not being there you may not think they require grooming but they actually require more skin care than other species of rat. their skin is more fragile than others so, they must be checked regularly for any signs of skin damage.

Dumbo rats
    These big-eared cuties are very common rats in the pet network. Their big ears, soft fur, and gentle personality are what makes the Dumbo rat so common among pets. I have a Dumbo and I am in Love with her gentle nature. More stores carry Dumbos than any other type of rat. They come in many different styles and colors. I have seen cream colored ones, black and white ones, pure white ones, black ones, and even ones with 3 different colors! Dumbos rats are great pets for first-time pet owners.

Rex Rats
    Looking for a curly-haired friend? you might want to take a look at the Rex rats. They look a little like hedgehogs in my opinion and are fuzzy beyond anything EVER! they require normal grooming and feeding so, their curly hair is the only thing that sets the apart from standard rats. These little cuticles can be brown, grey, or white.

Standard rats
    Standard rats are well, Rats. They have glossy hair, an average tail, normal ears, everything is as a rat should be. This is what most people think of when they think "rat". If you look in the Care section of you will find out the needs of this little fella.

Tailless rats (also known a Manx rats)
    Some people are grossed out by a rats tail. Most can look past it but some people would like to have a rat but cannot get past that tail! If this is you, a tailless rat would suit your style perfectly. They require the same needs as the Standard rats and their personality depends on the rat. I've yet to see a tailless rat so, if your looking for one, Good luck!
Satin rats
These long-haired rats are simply A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Though they require a touch more grooming than other rats, they are soooooo cute!!! They have long silky fur that can be over a cm long! these rats normally have a lazy attitude so, they are very calm. below is a comparison of a satin rat to a standard rat.
Dwarf rats
    "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... wait is that a rat?!?!?" these will probably be the first words out of any visitors mouth if you have a dwarf rat. They get their names because they are just 1/3 the size of a standard rat! They require the same needs as a standard (maybe just a little less food!)

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